Lune Interactive - VHS Effects - Documentation

 VHS Effects - Documentation

v1.0 23/04/2020 ©Lune Interactive - 2020

VHS Effects - Overview

The VHS Effects is a quick, drop and play asset pack that contains two main systems: firstly a resolution ‘cruncher’ that reduces the resolution and pixelates, secondly a ‘VHS’ post processing effect that distorts the screen.

Users are able to change the resolution on the fly to achieve the desired effects. The ‘VHS’ effect is also built upon and seamlessly integrated into the post processing stack.

Potential Use Cases

These effects excell at creating retro inspired, pixelated aesthetics like those seen in Playstation era horror titles.  Below are just three possible examples. Included in the project you will find an example scene to reference when setting up your own game. 

Example 1 - Large distortion lines

pasted image 0 (2).png
pasted image 0 (1).png

These settings will give you wavy distortion and a very blown out / distorted tearing of the screen, emulating VHS tape distortion.

These values are to achieve a variation of the wavy distortion (above right).

Example 2 - On/Off distortion lines

pasted image 0 (3).png
pasted image 0 (4).png

This type of effect settings are generally for on or off lines. They give a glitchy look. These values are to achieve a variation of the wavy distortion (above right).

However feel free to play around with the settings to get the wanted effect, the debug option will help to visually see what is actually happening noise wise (below left: thresholded, below right: non-threshold):

pasted image 0 (5).png
pasted image 0 (6).png

Example 3 - Low resolution camera

Changing the “Pixels” variable in the post effects stack. Below are the images with the values “50” (left), “100” (middle), “200” (right). This effect visually reduces your number of pixels to simulate screens and tvs that had lower resolutions than the ones we have today.

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pasted image 0 (8).png
pasted image 0 (9).png

Example 4 - Noisy lower frame


A range of variations can be created by tweaking the values of the x/y scales, timing, fall-off and threshold.
To achieve a noisy bottom bar in the lower portion of the screen we an use the settings (image to the left).

This is achieved with both the VHS and Pixelation combined.

To cover more of the screen, adjust the Screen Fall Off and Threshold as needed.


How to use VHS Effects - first time users

pasted image 0 (10).png

Getting started with the VHS Effects is very easy
The image above demonstrates the example scene in the project.

Simply drag and drop the provided RetroRenderer Camera prefab into your scene. Once you have added the Camera to your scene you can set up the individual effects how you wish (see the Script Overview / below for more details).

However you can also just add the appropriate post processing components to your scene and camera and it will work just as well.

Script Overview

Pixelation Effect (Post Processing)

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pasted image 0 (11).png
pasted image 0 (13).png

The images above show the Pixelation Post Process effect and how ‘crunchy’ we want our image (see image left for settings).

How much the camera is crunched down to, think of this in terms as a ratio where if the value is 1 you get a single pixel, the higher you make this value the more pixels you get with respect to your original resolution (see below, starting at 50, 100 and then finally 200).

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pasted image 0 (15).png
pasted image 0 (16).png

VHS Effect (Post Processing)

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pasted image 0.png
pasted image 0 (3).png

Noise Limit
Essentially if the noise generator samples a value and its below this value, then it is considered 0, else it’s above and scaled respectively. (Only applicable if Threshold Option is enabled).

Distortion Offset
The amount the texture is distorted with respect to the value of the noise.

Noise Scale
The size of the noise pattern (a larger number means more fine variations).

The speed at which the noise scrolls.

Noise Power
Allows the user to exponentially scale the noise value, which can in turn then be used to vary the effect.

Noise Strength
Scales the final sampled noise value.

RGB Separation
The amount the individual channels are offset (based on the final noise value AND the Distortion Offset).

Threshold Option
Converts all noise values to 0 or 1.

Shows the noise on-screen, this is particularly useful as it can be hard to debug otherwise.

Tape Flake (Post Processing)

2020-05-07 00_04_58-PS1_Camera - DemoSceneVHS_Renderer - PC, Mac & Linux Standalone - Unity 2019.2.3.png
2020-05-07 00_04_37-PS1_Camera - DemoSceneVHS_Renderer - PC, Mac & Linux Standalone - Unity 2019.2.3.png

Screen Fall Off
The rate at which the noise tapers to the bottom of the screen

X Scale / Y Scale
The amount the noise is generated in the x and y (the larger the value the smaller grain noise), we recommend a larger value for the Y as it will make the noise seem more ‘stretched’.

Time Scale
The speed at which the noise ‘moves’ a negative value gives the impression the noise is moving to the right, while a positive looks like it is moving left.

This controls the point at which noise is ignored or used.


pasted image 0 (18).png

Additional Help/Contact

Feel free to contact us with any issues you may be having through any of the channels below. We are always happy to support our customers and will address bug fixes as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact us with feature requests either! We’d love to continue to make our tools and assets better wherever possible.We would be very grateful if you could take a moment to leave us a review on the Unity Asset Store if you have found the tool useful for your project.

Twitter: @LuneInteractive | @PezzSp | @JairMcBain | @AdrianGenerator

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